


加拿大技术移民 雅思成拦路虎

来源:www.hncggz.com    编辑: 出国劳务     时间:2021-07-07点击:



  加拿大移民部 2010-03-10 向往发布消息称,从 2010-04-10 起,加拿大联邦技术移民申请者需要在递交预审时提交语言成绩:IELTS 及 TEF ,用于证明申请人的语言能力,从而帮助移民官更加高效和公平的处理事情。
2008-11-28 执行新的 227 新政时,加拿大移民部没有要求申请人在递交申请时就递交雅思或TEF等直接证明语言能力的证明文件,因此很多申请人选择先递交申请,在申请的同时准备雅思。早递交申请可以使自己的整体申请周期缩短;同时如果到时还没有考出合格的雅思成绩可以考虑撤案,这种情况下移民部会将申请费如数退还,同时也不影响以后的申请。但这样操作增加使馆处理移民负担。



  Improvements to proof of language rules will increase fairness, reduce delays, says Immigration Minister

  Ottawa, March 10, 2010 — The Government of Canada is streamlining the process for assessing the language skills of applicants to the Federal Skilled Worker and Canadian Experience classes, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today.

  “The language requirements themselves have not changed,” said Minister Kenney. “But beginning April 10, 2010, prospective immigrants will be required to prove their English and French language abilities at the time they apply. This requirement supports our commitment to fast, fair and efficient application processing.”

  Previously, to prove language ability in French or English, applicants could either submit an independent, third-party test or a written submission to a visa officer. The written submission was intended for people whose first language is either English or French. However, many applicants whose first language was not English or French were taking advantage of the written submission. The submission wouldn’t adequately prove their ability and they would have to provide further evidence, leading to processing delays that could take months.

  “We expect that applicants will have the language skills they claim on their application. Now, applicants in these categories will have only one opportunity to prove their language ability,” said Minister Kenney. “They can still make a written submission to a visa officer if they wish, but only once.”

  For faster, fairer processing, all applicants are encouraged to submit independent, third-party language test results. The language test gives applicants a clear indication of their ability before they apply. When submitting written proof, applicants don’t know what their results will be until their application is assessed by the visa officer, after a formal application and fees are lodged with Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

  “We strongly encourage applicants whose first language isn’t English or French to take a language test,” said Minister Kenney. “We don’t want immigrants to be surprised if their written submission doesn’t match their reported ability, and they don’t get the desired assessment.”

  An immigrant’s English or French language ability is one of the strongest predictors of their success in the job market. Canadian Experience Class applicants must meet minimum language requirements based on the job they do. On a selection grid worth 100 points in total, Federal Skilled Workers can be awarded up to 24 points for their official language ability.
