



来源:www.hncggz.com    编辑: 出国劳务     时间:2021-07-07点击:


申请艾伯塔省家庭类团聚移民需要申请者和担保人在递交申请表格时附带递交相应的证明材料,FLYabroad 整理了艾伯塔省家庭团聚移民的材料清单以方便艾省家庭类移民的申请者,这些材料主要包括用于证明申请者和担保人身份及亲属关系的文件,担保人资金及担保能力的文件,申请人资金能力,学历,英语能力及工作情况的文件等。

身份及亲属关系证明文件,申请者和担保人的公证认证法律文件(例如出生公证,收养公证,结婚公证等) ;
A certified copy of all relevant legal documents, clearly proving the family relationship of you and ……your sponsor (e.g. birth certificates, adoption documents, etc.)

身份证明文件,担保人的公民或永久居民身份证明文件(枫叶卡或公民卡) ;
A copy of your sponsor’s citizenship or permanent resident document(s)

详税通知书,加拿大税务机构提供担保人近 3 年的详税通知书 ;
A copy of your sponsor’s Notice of Assessments, from the Canada Revenue Agency, for the past …three (3) years (i.e. 2007, 2006, 2005)

担保人收入和资产证明,雇主提供的至少过去12个月的收入证明和过去两年的纳税证明,或者加拿大认可金融机构的资产证明文件(需盖章) ;
A letter from your sponsor’s employer(s) showing the annual salary and that he or she has been employed for at least the past 12 consecutive months (if applicable), and a copy of your sponsor’s Tax Information Slips, used for reporting income to the Canada Revenue Agency, for the past two (2) years (i.e. T4 slip for 2007 & for 2006) or a letter from a recognized Canadian financial institution (stamped by the institution) to demonstrate that your sponsor has at least CAD $15,000 in unencumbered, transferable and available assets

申请人及其随行者的有效护照(只包括个人资料页和期满及续期页) ;
A copy of the valid passport for you and your accompanying family members
…• Include only the personal information page and any page(s) showing the expiry and renewal date(s) of the passport

存款证明,申请者或其配偶的帐户证明,包括帐户类型,当前帐号余额 ;
A letter from a recognized Canadian financial institution for an account in your, or your spouse …or common-law partner’s (if applicable), name stamped by the institution and showing the type of account, the current balance, and if the funds are accessible

过去3个月的帐户历史记录 ;
Your, or your spouse or common-law partner’s (if applicable), account history, stamped by a …recognized Canadian financial institution, for the past three months
• Online statements are not acceptable

雅思(IELTS)或 TEF 成绩 ;
A copy of your …and your spouse or common-law partner’s (if applicable) IELTS or TEF assessment(s), if required (see Candidate Eligibility above for more details)

学历学位证书认证,执照公证和/或大学成绩单密封件或认证件 ;
A certified copy of your …and your spouse or common-law partner’s (if applicable) degree, diploma, certificate, licence and/or transcript for your highest level of education

推荐信,申请者及其配偶的过去四年的雇主推荐信 ;
Reference letters from your …and your spouse or common-law partner’s (if applicable) current and/or previous employers for the past four (4) years

对于上面英文中标有 的地方(也就是存款证明和帐号历史记录,FLYabroad 注)不是申请者必须提供的,但如果申请者及其配偶无法提供存款证明(资金证明),则需要其担保人提供相应的资金证明。
If you or your spouse or common-law partner (if applicable) cannot provide these documents, and your sponsor is declaring their financial support for you and your family members instead, your sponsor must provide these documents.

注意非英文证件必须伴有对应的被认可翻译(certified translation),建议申请者补充职业培训材料、资质证明材料等。

